Highlights for the Week of 1/30/12 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the 3rd & 4th theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 15-18. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 2/3, and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework will also be collected on Friday.
Reading - I Can Summarize
The reading strategy that we will be studying this week is summarizing. When reading passages, it is n

English- Expository Writing
ents will begin independently writing an expository essay that responds to the prompt, "Who is Your Hero?". They will brainstorm and organize their ideas, and complete the expository organizer. Next, students will write and proofread the rough drafts of their essays. The final copy will be due on Monday, 2/6. This will complete our study of expository writing. The next topic we will study in English is Adjectives.
Social Studies - Native Americans of the Midwest
We will be finishing our study of the Ojibwa tribe by tasting wild rice that was one of the staples of their diet. Students will be taking a QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 9 on Tuesday, 1/31.

Social Studies - Native Americans of the Midwest
We will be finishing our study of the Ojibwa tribe by tasting wild rice that was one of the staples of their diet. Students will be taking a QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 9 on Tuesday, 1/31.
Science - The Human Body
Students will be working on a partner project creating a mural of the internal organs of the human body. Look for the chapter 4 TEST to be scheduled for the week of 2/6.
Students will be working on a partner project creating a mural of the internal organs of the human body. Look for the chapter 4 TEST to be scheduled for the week of 2/6.
The chapter 19 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 2/1. The next topic that we will cover in math will be motion geometry.
Don't Forget...
February 20th - President's Day - No School
February 21st - Early Dismissal
Mrs. Karen Bell
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