
This week's spelling list will consist of homophones, which are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently & have different meanings. The final test for the week will be on Friday, 10/21. Workbook & cursive pages or challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - "I Can Question & Note Details"

In reading this week, the students will focus on noting details in a story. They will learn that details may give information, explain ideas, and reveal characters' feelings. They will also work on the "Questioning" comprehension strategy. Good readers ask themselves questions about important ideas as they read. The students will practice asking questions about a passage as they read the passage to the end.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation

Social Studies - People of the Northeast
The descriptive writing piece for the Northeast will be collected on Monday, 10/17. Be sure to ask your child to share their passage with you & to show you the grading rubric that I will be using to assess their project. Then, we will move on to chapter 5, which focuses on the Native Americans of the Northeast Region, the Narragansetts. Students will learn about the culture and traditions of the Narragansetts. They will also learn about the Iroqouis americans & will compare & contrast their culture with the Narragansetts. On Friday, students will receive guidelines for a project in which they will illustrate a Narragansett Village. The project will be collected on 10/25.

Math - Mr

Don't Forget...
October 27 - Early Dismissal - 11:00
November 11 - Veterans' Day - No School

The Prairieview Book Fair is scheduled for Thursday, 10/20 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Classrooms will not be open that evening.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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