Highlights for the Week of 11/15/10-11/19/10 in Mrs. Bell's Class
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
Singular & plural possessive nouns will be covered this week.
Social Studies - The Narragansett People

Finishing lesson 1 of chapter 5 is our mission this week. Students will be creating drawings of a Narragansett village and will have a QUIZ on lesson 3 on Thursday. Next stop...the Southeast region!

We will be moving on from plants to animals in our study of life cycles. This week we will look at different types of growth and development, including metamorphasis. We will learn about the four stages of human development, and what the characteristics of each stage are. Look for a QUIZ on chapter 2, lesson 3 during the week of 11/22.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
The final test this week will be on Friday, 11/19. The print/cursive page and workbook pages 137-139 OR contract work will also be collected that day.

We will work on making inferences and evaluating during reading this week. Good readers should always think about their reactions to what they are readning and why they are reacting that way. This strategy is called "evaluating". As you are reading the story, think about these things: How does the author make the story come alive and make you want to keep reading? What was entertaining, informative, or useful about what you read? How well did you understand what you were reading? Did you enjoy reading it?

This week we will begin chapter 5 with a look at the properties of multiplication. Lessons to follow include multiplication & division expressions, order of operations and multiplication & division equations. I have tentatively scheduled a QUIZ on lessons 1-4 of chapter 5 for Monday, 11/22.
Dates to Remember:
November 23 -- Report Cards
November 24, 25, 26 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No School
December 3 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
Mrs. Karen Bell
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