Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
We have completed this unit, and will have the TEST on Thursday, 10/28. To prepare for the test, students should review the practice and workbook pages, and the textbook. The next unit that we will study in English is nouns.
Social Studies-Chapter 4 - Land & Water in the Northeast
The TEST for this region is scheduled for Tuesday, 10/26. Students have received a study guide to help them prepare for the test. We will continue to study the life cycles of plants in lesson 2 of this chapter. Students will focus on the life cycles of plants with and without seeds.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
This week's spelling list will contain words from the first theme in our reading text. Included in this group are words with long and short "a","e", "i", "o", "u", and homophones. The final test will be on Friday, 10/29, and workbook pages will be collected that same day.
Mysteries will be the focus in reading for all fourth grade students this week. We will begin by learning vocabulary words that are typically associated with mysteries, such as "suspect", "evidence" and suspense". Students may practice the definitions of the vocabulary words by completing a crossword puzzle at the following website:All students will read & study, "The Case of the Purloined Pachyderm". While reading this mystery and other mystery stories, studeents will be studying the format of a mystery, and using the reading strategies of monitoring and clarifying.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class
The TEST for chapters 2 & 3 will be on Monday, 10/25. Students were given a study guide so that they will know what to focus on while preparing for the test. We will begin the chapter 4 which covers multiplication and division facts, on Tuesday. The first concepts that we will look at are relating operations and multiplication and division facts through 5.
The Halloween celebration will be on Friday, 10/29. The traditional PV parade will begin at 1:00, and parties will start at 1:30. Thank you to all the parents who are helping to make this a special afternoon for our classroom!

The Halloween celebration will be on Friday, 10/29. The traditional PV parade will begin at 1:00, and parties will start at 1:30. Thank you to all the parents who are helping to make this a special afternoon for our classroom!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell
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