Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class:
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
We will be focusing on abbreviations & the correct use of commas.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
The resources and products of the Northeast region are our topics for the week.
Students will have a QUIZ on chapter 1, lesson 3 on Tuesday, 10/12. Students will be allowed to use their textbooks for the quiz.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Reading - Questioning & Noting Details
Reading - Questioning & Noting Details
In reading this week, the students will focus on noting details in a story. They will learn that details may give information, explain ideas, and reveal characters' feelings. They will also work on the Question comprehension strategy.Good readers ask themselves questions about important ideas as they read. The students will practice asking questions about the text that can be answered as they read the text and finish the story. We willbe using short text passages to practice this skill.
This week's lesson will be a list of "homophones", which are words that are pronounced the same, but have different meanings. The final test for the week will be on Friday, 10/15. Workbook pages and/or contract work & the print/cursive sheets will also be collected that day.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class

Don't forget...

NO SCHOOL on Monday, 10/11, due to Columbus Day.
Next week students in fourth grade will be taking the MAP assessment. The MAP assessment is a new tool for our district that will provide teachers an effective means for determining students' proficiency in reading, language and math. The test will be given in three parts, on three different days, with the first test taking place on Wednesday. The MAP assessment is replacing Iowa testing in District 66.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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