Highlights for the Week of 5/16/2011-5/20/2011 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
nglish - Adverbs & Prepositions
We will finish this chapter by taking a look at prepositions and prepositional phrases. The TEST on this unit is scheduled for Friday, 5/20.
Social Studies - The Navajo
Students will study the culture and traditions of the Navajo, the Native Americans who lived in the Southwest.
Science- Simple Machines / Rocks & Minerals
Students will take the chapter 17 TEST on Tuesday, 5/17. After reading a Time for Kids about the Space Shuttle program, we will move on to our next unit, Rocks & Minerals.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Review
This week's spelling lesson is a review list that consists of 30 words. The final test on Friday, 5/20, will have 20 words from the list. The spelling homework packet will be collected on 5/20.
This week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the information.
. Bell's Math Class
The TEST on chapter 9 is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/18. We will begin our next unit, division, at the end of the week.
n't Forget...
Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day - No School
Tuesday, June 7 - Last Day of School
Don't forget to sign up for the 2 mile Walk Day on Tuesday, May 24th at Prairieview School. All proceeds from the event will go to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the earthquake in Japan. There will also be a raffle to help raise money for the cause, and any donations would be appreciated. (gift cards, sport items, games, services, small goodies). Anyone who would like to volunteer on May 24th, please e-mail Mrs. Cavoto at ccavot@ccsd66.org or Mrs. Sulima at ssulima@ccsd66.org to let them know.
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom

We will finish this chapter by taking a look at prepositions and prepositional phrases. The TEST on this unit is scheduled for Friday, 5/20.
Social Studies - The Navajo
Students will study the culture and traditions of the Navajo, the Native Americans who lived in the Southwest.
Science- Simple Machines / Rocks & Minerals
Students will take the chapter 17 TEST on Tuesday, 5/17. After reading a Time for Kids about the Space Shuttle program, we will move on to our next unit, Rocks & Minerals.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - Review

This week's spelling lesson is a review list that consists of 30 words. The final test on Friday, 5/20, will have 20 words from the list. The spelling homework packet will be collected on 5/20.

This week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the information.

The TEST on chapter 9 is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/18. We will begin our next unit, division, at the end of the week.

Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day - No School
Tuesday, June 7 - Last Day of School
Don't forget to sign up for the 2 mile Walk Day on Tuesday, May 24th at Prairieview School. All proceeds from the event will go to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the earthquake in Japan. There will also be a raffle to help raise money for the cause, and any donations would be appreciated. (gift cards, sport items, games, services, small goodies). Anyone who would like to volunteer on May 24th, please e-mail Mrs. Cavoto at ccavot@ccsd66.org or Mrs. Sulima at ssulima@ccsd66.org to let them know.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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