
There will be no spelling the week of 11/21. The following week, the rule for the lesson is words with the patterns of îr/är/âr , which are words that have the sounds like the words, "ear" &"glare". Cursive and workbook pages, as well as challenge work for the lesson will be collected on Thursday, 12/1. The final test for that lesson will also be that day.

Over the next few weeks, we will be reviewing the skills that we have gone over since the beginning of the year. The students will also work on summarizing and making generalizations. In writing summaries, the students will learn to pick out the main points or events of a story or passage and concisely put them in their own words. In making generalizations the students will learn that generalizations are broad statements that are true most of the time, and are based on fact or good reasons, and may include words like always or most. We will finish the novel, Because of Winn-Dixie with a "Friendship Celebration" modeled after the one in the book. Look for the invitation to come home with your child.
English - Nouns
Singular and plural nouns, and spelling rules for nouns that end with the letter "y" will be our focus over the next two weeks.
Social Studies - The Southeast
The Southeast Postcard project will be collected on Monday, 11/21. Students will also be working on completing the Southeast portion of their United States Map. Then, we will take a look at the Native Americans who live in this region, the Cherokee. Students will learn about their history and culture. Look for a QUIZ on this topic at the end of the week of 11/28.
Science - TFK - "Bats on the Brink" / Behavioral Adaptations
We will read & discuss a Time for Kids article that describes how a mysterious disease is endangering the lives of bats in the United States. Then, we will move on to the study of how the behavioral adaptations of animals help them to meet their needs.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We have had a lot of fun this week using internet games to practice telling time. If your child would like to play the games at home, try these links:
We have had a lot of fun this week using internet games to practice telling time. If your child would like to play the games at home, try these links:
TIME CLOCK: http://www.primarygames.com/math/timeclock/start.htm
CLOCK RACER GAME: http://justkidsgames.com/play.php?ClockRacer
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