Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
Students were pretested in this chapter last week, and many will be doing enrichment work during the unit. This week all students will have a graded review on lessons 1-3 of the chapter. This will include the lessons: identifying adjectives, adjectives after the verb "be", using "a", "an", and "the". We will also study how to make comparisons with adjectives.
Students will be taking the chapter 6 TEST on Monday, 1/10. The test will cover the geography, climate and resources of the southeast region. A study guide for the test was sent home on 1/6. At the end of the week students will work on filling in the Southeast Region of their large United States map.
Science - Adaptations
Students will take an open note QUIZ on lessons 2 & 3 of Chapter 3 on Tuesday, 1/11. We have finished the chapter, so review will take place on Wednesday, and the TEST for chapter 3 will be on Thursday, 1/13. A very busy week!
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Spelling - The Final Long "e" Sound
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/14. Student will be completing a cursive page and workbook pages that will also be due on that day.
This week the children will work on identifying the problem and solution of a story as they are reading. Most stories involve a problem for the characters to solve. The solution to the problem may come after otheres have been tried. We will practice this skill with a read aloud story called, "The Bear", and continue to work on this skill as we begin the novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
Due to field trips and the MAPS testing, our math schedule is limited this week. Students will be taking a QUIZ on chapter 7, lessons 1-3 on Wednesday, 1/12. This will cover collecting & organizing data, Venn diagrams & mean, median & mode. On Friday, we will study line plots.
January 17 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
January 17 - PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Papa Passero's
February 21 - No School - President's Day
Our class will be taking a field trip to Argonne on January 19th. Students will be participating in two hands-on labs exploring the Scientific Method and Electricity. Permission slips were sent home, and are due back by 1/11. Students should bring a completely disposable SACK LUNCH on that day. They must also wear LONG PANTS and CLOSED TOE SHOES.
We will be having our classroom spelling bees on 1/12 & 1/13. The top two spellers in our class will earn a chance to compete against other fourth grade students in our grade level bee.
Thank You!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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