Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
Students will be working in partners to write a second essay. They will be using the skills that we have studied, which are brainstorming & organizing ideas, including a hook, supporting details & transitions, to respond to a prompt that asks "What Would Do if you Had a Robot?".
This week we will take a look at the geography of the southwest region, in particular the Grand Canyon. Students will study how the canyon was formed and who were the first explorers to travel through the area.
The chapter 15 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 4/18. Students should review their notes & the text book to prepare for the test. Later in the week, we will move on to studying gravity.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
The final test for this lesson will be on THURSDAY, 4/21. The cursive pages and workbook pages will also be collected that day.
This week in reading, we will be focusing on two important skills: following directions & summarizing. When reading a passage that describes how to complete a task, readers should look for clue words such as first, next and finally to clarify the order of steps. They also must understand that steps must be followed in the correct order in order to complete the task. Summarizing involves retelling a story in your own words, and including only the most important events. All students will study these skills using appropriate instructional-level materials.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class

April 21 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
April 22 - No school
Mrs. Karen Bell
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