Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
English - Verbs
Social Studies - The Midwest
Resources of the Midwest will be our focus this week. Science - The Human Body
Students will be working in partners to create a life size human body mural. They will build the mural one organ at a time.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 2/11. The cursive page and workbook
pages will also be colected that day.
This week we will begin our study of poetry. We will focus on some of the elements of poetry including rhyme, sensory words, figurative language and wordplay. The children will also begin a poetry projject. In this project they will be learning about and writing nine different kinds of poems. Time will be given in class, but students will also need to work on this project at home. we will be working on Poetry and Figurative Language for the next few weeks. We will also be working on how to write an extended response, in preparation for the ISAT tests at the end of the month.
We will finish chapter 8 with a look at how to make a line graph. The TEST for chapter 8 is scheduled for Wednesday, 2/9. Then, we will move on to chapter 19, which focuses on geometry. The chapter begins with the topics of lines, rays, angles, plane figures, and how to measure angles. Please check that your child has a protractor and a calculator at school. We will be needing both for this chapter, and for the ISAT tests at the end of the month.
Dates to remember:
February 14 - Valentine's Day Celebrations
February 21 - President's Day - No School
February 25 - End of the Trimester
March 1 - Report Cards
February 21 - President's Day - No School
February 25 - End of the Trimester
March 1 - Report Cards
Have a Relaxing Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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