Highlights for the Week of 1/16/12 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday,1/20. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

The comprehension skill that we will be focusing on this week is drawing conclusions. Good readers use details in a story to draw conclusions about characters and events. Students may use graphic organizers to gather details from a story to draw conclusions. They will learn that it is possible to draw more than one conclusion from the same details. We will continue reading the novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, as we work on this skill.

As a class, we will write the rough draft of the essay about what makes a dog a good house pet. Then, students will work in pairs to begin organizing ideas for an essay that asks the question, "What Would You do if You had a Robot?".
The TEST on chapter 8 in Social Studies is scheduled for Thursday, 1/19. Students received a study guide for the test on 1/13. At the end of the week, I will introduce the writing project for this region, which is a travel poster for the Midwest.
Students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 4 on Wednesday, 1/18. The quiz will cover cells to systems, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system & blood. On Thursday, we will move on to lesson 2 which begins with a look at the skeletal system.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will begin our week by writing T-Charts with partners. Students will share their
work, and it will be critiqued by their classmates using the ISATrubric. As we move on to chapter 19, we will take a look at the basics of geometry. Concepts that we will study include lines, rays, angles, planes & how to measure & classify angles.

Don't Forget...
January 17 -- M. L. King Birthday -- No School
Congratulations to all of my "super spellers" who demonstrated good sportsmanship & character while participating in our classroom spelling bees. The winners of of our "practice" spelling bee were Jordan & Brennan. Students who won the "final" bee & who will participate in the 4th Grade Spelling Bee are Melanie & Michael.
Mrs. Karen Bell

Mrs. Karen Bell
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