
The final test for this week's lesson will be on Friday, 11/18. Cursive and workbook pages or challenge work will also be collected that day.

This week, we will once again focus on the reading strategy of making inferences. Authors do not always tell the reader everything. They may give clues instead. The reader must use the clues and their own knowledge to make inference about people and events. Students will be taking a comprehension/vocabulary QUIZ on chapters 1-10 of Because of Winn-Dixie on Tuesday, 11/15.
English - Nouns
This week in English we will take a look at what is a noun and common & proper nouns. Students will be introduced to a new Schoolhouse Rock song that we will sing to remind us of how to find nouns in sentences. We will also take a look at "invisible" nouns, which are words that are not normally thought of as nouns, such as the words "excitement" and "honor".
Social Studies - The Southeast
The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 11/14. Students were given a study guide t

Science - How do the Bodies of Animals Help Them Meet their Needs?
We will complete our study of how animals' physical adaptations help them to survive. Students will be taking an open note/book QUIZ on chapter 3, lesson 1 on Thursday, 11/17.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
Chapter 6 begins with a look at telling time and elapsed time. Students will be taking a QUIZ on the first two lessons of the chapter on Wednesday, 11/16. Then, we will move on to elapsed time on a calendar, and changing units of time.
Don't forget...
November 23, 24, 25 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No School
Mrs. Karen Bell
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