The prefixes "im-", "in-", and "un-" are the focus of this week's spelling lesson. In addition to the list of words to spell, students will study the meaning of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root words that they are attached to. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/13.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We will read and discuss chapters 6-10 of the novel. We will also read the poem The Falling Star which has been paired with these chapters. Students will "dig" into the poem to discover how the theme is similar to the message in chapters 6-10 of Edward Tulane.
We have worked very hard on learning how to find text evidence to support answers this year. Nothing makes me happier than seeing students applying these skills in class as pictured below during a sequencing activity related to our friend "Eddie T."...
We have worked very hard on learning how to find text evidence to support answers this year. Nothing makes me happier than seeing students applying these skills in class as pictured below during a sequencing activity related to our friend "Eddie T."...
Social Studies - "Land and Resources of the Southwest"
The Southwest Brochure Project will be at the forefront this week. Each student will be assigned a state in the region, conduct research on it and create a travel brochure. The project will be introduced on 4/12. The "hook" and 3 attractions will be due on 4/16. Students will be given some time to work on this at school, but should expect to also work on it at home.
Science - "How Does Your Body Think & Move?"
The QUIZ on chapter 4 / lesson 1 is scheduled for Monday, 4/9. This quiz will be open book/note, but students should review the material to prepare. The Nervous System is the next body system that we will study via some hands-on activities in class.

Science - "How Does Your Body Think & Move?"
The QUIZ on chapter 4 / lesson 1 is scheduled for Monday, 4/9. This quiz will be open book/note, but students should review the material to prepare. The Nervous System is the next body system that we will study via some hands-on activities in class.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
The Graphing Patterns CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/10. We will then switch gears and look at the characteristics and classification of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Below are photos of students working with Unifix cubes to investigate patterns. After defining the pattern, they developed an equation and graphed it on the coordinate plane.
Your child will be able to do his/her best when he/she is well rested and has had a healthy breakfast before coming to school. There will be no time for a snack before the tests, as we are taking them first thing in the morning. And just a reminder that our classroom motto is..."Don't stress - just do your BEST!"
Mrs. Karen Bell
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