elling - Latin Roots: port, form, trans & flex
This week's test will contain words with the Latin roots listed above. We will learn the definitions of the roots and study words that contain them. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/27.

This week's test will contain words with the Latin roots listed above. We will learn the definitions of the roots and study words that contain them. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/27.
Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We will finish reading the novel this week and spend some time reflecting on the various themes of the text. Students will take an open book QUIZ on chapters 15-18 of the novel on Monday, 4/23.
Resources of the Southwest is the topic for this week in Social Studies. Students will learn how oil impacts the economy and how the technology industry is present in many locations in the region.
The brochure is due on 4/23 which means it should be SUBMITTED to Google Classroom by 7:00 that morning. I'd like to share some pictures of students working on the project in class. It is truly a pleasure for me to observe the progress they have made in working independently on technology projects. They certainly have come a long way since September...
Inventions are due on 4/24. Students will present their inventions on 4/25. They should be able to speak about their invention and to demonstrate how it works. All inventions will be on display for Open House on 4/26.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
The Classifying Shapes CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/24. Students should study their shapes hierarchy and review characteristics of triangles and polygons to prepare for the quiz. Volume will be the next concept that we will look at.
Prairieview is raising money for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Foundation while raising school spirit! Bring change for a great cause and wear something fun!
Monday- PJ Penny Day (wear your pajamas and bring in pennies)
Tuesday- Neon Nickels Day (wear bright colors and bring in nickels)
Wednesday- Dazzling Dimes Day (wear something shiny or unique and bring dimes)
Thursday- Crazy Quarters Day (wear crazy socks or a hat and bring quarters)
Friday- Team up for Leukemia (wear team jerseys or colors and bring all coins)
4/26 - PV Open House / Book Fair - 6:30 - 8:00
We look forward to seeing you at the Prairieview Open House on Thursday, 4/26 from 6:30 to 8:00. The students have been working hard to create a "Southwestern Fiesta" in the Fourth-grade wing. Be sure to ask your child to show you his/her Midwest Look Book, and all of the other work (including inventions) displayed in our room. Don't forget to stop at the book fair in the gym!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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