Words that end in "-el", "-al" and "-le" are on the list this week. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/20.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Students will take an open book QUIZ on chapters 7-10 of the novel on Tuesday, 4/17. We will be reading through chapter 18 of the novel in school this week.
We will also read a Time for Kids magazine in which the main article focuses on how the National Aquarium in Baltimore is preparing to move its dolphins to a more natural habitat. The comprehension QUIZ for the TFK is scheduled for Thursday, 4/19.
Social Studies - The Southwest
Research for the brochure project will continue. The projects are due and must be submitted on or before 4/23.

Science - "How Does Your Body Get Nutrients & Oxygen?"
The skeletal and muscular systems are our focus this week. Below are some photos of an activity in which students tested their reaction time to a ruler being dropped between their fingertips. They learned that their reaction time decreased with each repetition because their brain was learning to respond more quickly. Ask your child to try the "dollar bill trick" with you!
Research for the brochure project will continue. The projects are due and must be submitted on or before 4/23.

Science - "How Does Your Body Get Nutrients & Oxygen?"
The skeletal and muscular systems are our focus this week. Below are some photos of an activity in which students tested their reaction time to a ruler being dropped between their fingertips. They learned that their reaction time decreased with each repetition because their brain was learning to respond more quickly. Ask your child to try the "dollar bill trick" with you!
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
PARCC testing will take up most of our math time this week (please see the "FYI" section below for the schedule). On Friday we will continue our study of how to classify quadrilaterals.
4/17 - Early Dismissal / Students dismissed at 11:00
PARCC testing will take up most of our math time this week (please see the "FYI" section below for the schedule). On Friday we will continue our study of how to classify quadrilaterals.
We used a new learning game called "Showdown" to review characteristics of triangles and quadrilaterals. The game stresses collaboration, communication, and cooperation. Below are photos of students working together to answer the questions that I prepared.
4/17 - Early Dismissal / Students dismissed at 11:00
PARCC testing will continue this week. The schedule is as follows: 4/16 - Math #2, 4/18 - Math #3, 4/19 - Math #4. All testing will be in the morning. Please make sure that your child comes to school each day with a fully charged Chromebook and headphones.
Your child will be able to do his/her best when he/she is well rested and has had a healthy breakfast before coming to school. There will be no time for a snack before the tests, as we are taking them first thing in the morning. And just a reminder that our classroom motto is..."Don't stress - just do your BEST!"
Sometimes we just need a moment to relax and to have a "soft start" to our day. Homeroom students were given the opportunity to wind down after testing by playing a game, reading a book or just visiting with a friend. These few minutes helped them to relax and get ready for the rest of their day. As you can see, they enjoyed the time to just be kids!
Sometimes we just need a moment to relax and to have a "soft start" to our day. Homeroom students were given the opportunity to wind down after testing by playing a game, reading a book or just visiting with a friend. These few minutes helped them to relax and get ready for the rest of their day. As you can see, they enjoyed the time to just be kids!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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