Highlights for the Week of 1/25/16
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
Spelling - Theme 4 Review

Reading - Journeys Unit
The Profile in Courage projects are due on Monday, 1/25. Students will present to the class on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will begin our new unit themed Journeys. The students will work collaboratively in small groups to brainstorm ideas to the questions: What does it mean to go on a journey? How can a person be changed by a journey they have experienced? We will also read a short nonfiction passage called Grandfather's Journey, and respond to it in a written paragraph.
A Time for Kids magazine that highlights the best inventions of 2015 will be read in small groups on Tuesday. A comprehension QUIZ on the magazine is scheduled for Thursday, 1/28.
English- Explanatory Writing
Students will finish planning their hero essays by adding supporting details & elaboration, transitions, and a concluding paragraph. The rough draft will be written and revised the week of 2/1.

Social Studies - The Cherokee
The Cherokee, Native Americans of the Southeast region, is our new topic in Social Studies. We will study the culture of the Cherokee in the past and present. Students will also complete the Southeast region of their U.S. map.
Don't Forget...
1/25 - Goo Globs & Guts - "In-School" field trip presented by High Tech High Touch
1/27 - 4th Grade spelling bee
Students will finish planning their hero essays by adding supporting details & elaboration, transitions, and a concluding paragraph. The rough draft will be written and revised the week of 2/1.

Social Studies - The Cherokee
The Cherokee, Native Americans of the Southeast region, is our new topic in Social Studies. We will study the culture of the Cherokee in the past and present. Students will also complete the Southeast region of their U.S. map.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
The Unit 3 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 1/28. Students should review their spiral notes, student book pages & home connection pages to prepare for the test. We will begin Unit 4 the week of 2/1. Unit 4 focuses on multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals.
The Unit 3 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 1/28. Students should review their spiral notes, student book pages & home connection pages to prepare for the test. We will begin Unit 4 the week of 2/1. Unit 4 focuses on multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals.
Don't Forget...
1/25 - Goo Globs & Guts - "In-School" field trip presented by High Tech High Touch
1/27 - 4th Grade spelling bee
Mrs. Karen Bell
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