Highlights for the Week of 1/11/16
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Words this week will have the "VCCV" (Vowel/Consonant/Consonant/Vowel) pattern.
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/15. Google Classroom activities should also be submitted by that day.
We have been working with students on the correct use of capital and lower case letters on spelling tests for some time. Students are expected to write all spelling words in lower case letters unless the word is a proper noun, in which case only the first letter should be capitalized. Beginning this week, if your child incorrectly capitalizes a letter on a spelling test he/she will lose 1/2 credit for the word.

Reading - Courage Unit - Lou Gehrig - The Luckiest Man
A vocabulary and PARCC based comprehension QUIZ on the story is scheduled for Monday, 1/11. On Wednesday, students will close read and annotate Lou Gehrig's "Luckiest Man" speech. We will also introduce the "Profiles in Courage" project, which is the culminating activity for the courage unit. Each student will conduct research about a person who has shown incredible courage and create a slide show that will ultimately become a flip book. Projects will be presented to classmates the week of 1/25. I will be giving time in class to work on the project, but work must also be conducted at home.
English - Explanatory Writing
Don't Forget...
Close reading is a skill that crosses all curriculum. Below are some photos of students collaborating as they close read Social Studies and Reading text...
Hooks, key ideas, and supporting details will be what we focus on this week as we build an explanatory essay that responds to the prompt, "Who is a Hero in Your Life?"
Social Studies - The Southeast - Scrapbook project
Social Studies - The Southeast - Scrapbook project
We will wrap up our study of the Southeast with a slide show project. Students will collaborate with partners to create a slide show/scrapbook that highlights information about the landforms, climate, and resources of the Southeast. Students will be given time in school to work on the project, but will also have to complete work at home. The slide show presentations are tentatively scheduled to begin on Tuesday, 1/19.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Decimals & Place Value

A second CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/12. Students should review decimal place value, addition & subtraction of decimal and whole numbers, rounding decimals to the nearest 1, tenth and hundredth, and comparing decimals to prepare for the quiz. We will also focus on placing decimals on a number line and understanding patterns in the number of zeroes in the product when multiplying by powers of 10 and placement of the decimal point when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10.

A second CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/12. Students should review decimal place value, addition & subtraction of decimal and whole numbers, rounding decimals to the nearest 1, tenth and hundredth, and comparing decimals to prepare for the quiz. We will also focus on placing decimals on a number line and understanding patterns in the number of zeroes in the product when multiplying by powers of 10 and placement of the decimal point when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10.
Don't Forget...
January 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:35
January 18 -- M. L. King Birthday -- No School
MAP testing will take place on Tuesday, 11/12 & Wednesday, 11/13. Students will set goals for themselves, but the main focus will be "I'm not going to stress, just do my best". Please support your child by seeing that he/she gets plenty of sleep and has a healthy breakfast each day.
January 18 -- M. L. King Birthday -- No School
MAP testing will take place on Tuesday, 11/12 & Wednesday, 11/13. Students will set goals for themselves, but the main focus will be "I'm not going to stress, just do my best". Please support your child by seeing that he/she gets plenty of sleep and has a healthy breakfast each day.
Stay Warm!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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