This week's spelling list contains words with the Greek/Latin roots of mega, ped, sub and meter. We will study and apply the meanings of these roots. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 5/25. This is the last spelling lesson of the year.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey
An open book comprehension QUIZ for the novel Love That Dog is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/23. Students will also read a Time for Kids magazine in which the main article looks at what life is like for children in a Kenyan refugee camp. A comprehension QUIZ on the magazine is scheduled for Thursday, 5/24.
English - Poetry

Students will write a color poem, a creature alliteration poem and a personal poem of choice. Poetry books must be submitted on or before 5/29.
Social Studies - The West
The West map QUIZ will be on Tuesday, 5/22. We will continue our study of the West with a look at the climate and resources of the region. Look for the chapter 12 TEST to be scheduled the week of 5/28.
Science - Simple Machines
Catapults are due 5/23. Please ask your child to see the project description sheet.
Catapults are due 5/23. Please ask your child to see the project description sheet.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 7 - Division & Decimals
We will continue to study a variety of strategies for division including division with money and division with clocks. A fraction division CHECKPOINT is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 5/23.
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