Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey
We are coming to the end of our novel study. I am so proud of the growth that I have seen in the reading skills of the students. Their ability to interpret and make inferences about text has grown in leaps and bounds from the beginning of the year. So many of them have told me that they love this book. Who would have thought that poetry could be so much fun?
An open book comprehension QUIZ for the novel is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 5/23.
English - Poetry

Students will be writing a concrete poem, a five senses poem and a Cinquain poem. We will also learn about hyperbole...a type of figurative language that involves exaggeration.
The final stop on our journey through the regions of the U.S. will be the West. We will begin with a look at the geography and climate of the region. Students will also create their own map of the West region. Look for the West map QUIZ to be scheduled the week of 5/21.
Science - Simple Machines
Students will learn about how simple machines make our lives easier. Look for a Catapult project description sheet to come home on Thursday.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 7 - Division & Decimals
This week in math we will continue our study of division strategies. A division CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Thursday, 5/17.
5/18 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
5/18 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
5/28 - Memorial Day - No School
6/4 - Last Day of School
6/4 - Last Day of School
Mrs. Karen Bell
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