elling - Mythology Words
This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/15.

This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/15.
Reading- Unit 1 Courage - Greek Mythology

Social Studies - The Southeast "Wrap Up"
We will complete this portion of our study of the Southeast by adding the Southeast region to our individual U.S. Maps. Students will also enjoy a "Taste of the Southeast" when Chef Bell & Chef Krasnodebski serve up samples of some of the agricultural products of the region on Friday. We will begin our study of the Native Americans of the Southeast, the Cherokee, the week of 12/11.
Science - Life Cycles of Animals
Our focus this week will be the life cycles of animals. We will learn about the differences in the life cycles of different species. Two examples of life cycles that we will study are metamorphosis and direct development.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals

Our work with decimals will continue this week. We will focus on decimal numbers on number lines and how metric conversions are related to powers of 10. A second decimal place value CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/6. Look for the Unit 3 test to take place at the end of the week of 12/11.
Responsibility - Now that we are in the second trimester, our expectations for student responsibility will be more strictly enforced. Part of your child's evening routine should be to charge his/her Chromebook (we write this in our assignment notebooks every day). If the Chromebook is not charged, he/she will receive a late slip. The exception would be if there a hardware difficulty in which case we will refer the device to our technology department. Also, if a Google Classroom assignment is not submitted on time (even if it is completed) your child will receive a late slip. Our goal is to prepare your child for the upper grades by gradually increasing his/her responsibility.
Mr. Dunning's last day was Friday, 12/1. He has been an enthusiastic and caring part of our classroom family and we will miss him very much. We hope to see him subbing in the halls of Prairieview very soon! Below are some pictures of students wishing him well...
Mrs. Karen Bell
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