elling - Mythology Words
We will continue our study of mythological words with an emphasis on allusion in myths. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/15.

We will continue our study of mythological words with an emphasis on allusion in myths. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/15.
Reading- Greek Mythology
The Greek Mythology Project is due on Friday, 12/15. Students will present their projects that day. It's been a pleasure to see their excitement over this project. I'm looking forward to seeing their final products.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
The capitalization and punctuation TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/13. Students should review textbook pages 166-187, the practice packet and workbook pages to prepare for the test. Extra practice for the concepts is also found on pages 189-202 of the textbook.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
The capitalization and punctuation TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/13. Students should review textbook pages 166-187, the practice packet and workbook pages to prepare for the test. Extra practice for the concepts is also found on pages 189-202 of the textbook.
Social Studies - The Cherokee
We will begin our study of the Native Americans of the Southeast, The Cherokee. We will take a look at how their culture and traditions began and how they continue to keep them alive in modern times.
Science - Life Cycles of Plants & Animals
The TEST on chapter 2 (Life Cycles of Plants and Animals) is scheduled for 12/18. A study guide was sent home with your child on 12/6.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
12/19 - Wonder Field Trip
12/21 - Bowling Field Trip
12/22 - Winter break begins
Mrs. Karen Bell
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