elling - Mythology Words
This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 5/5.

This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 5/5.
Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey
Characteristics of poems will be our focus this week. We will discuss and review poetic elements such as rhythm, rhyme, and repetition. Types of poetry (for example lyric poem, haiku or ode), will also be discussed. Students will also read a Time for Kids magazine in which the main article looks at developments in aviation. The comprehension QUIZ for the TFK is scheduled for Friday, 4/18
Social Studies - The Southwest - "Oil & Technology"
Resources of the Southwest is the topic for this week in Social Studies. Students will learn how oil impacts the economy and how the technology industry is present in many locations in the region.
We have finished the SW brochure project. I'd like to share some pictures of students working on the project in class. It is a true pleasure for me to observe the progress they have made working independently on technology projects. They certainly have come a long way since September...
Science - Invention Convention
Inventions are due on 4/25. Students will present their inventions on 4/26. They should be able to speak about their invention and to demonstrate how it works. All inventions will be on display for Open House on 4/27.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
The week begins with a look at the multiplication of mixed numbers. On Wednesday, students will take a CHECKPOINT on this topic. Look for the Unit 6 TEST to be scheduled the week of 5/1.
This past week, mathematicians completed a hands-on activity in which they measured rectangular prisms and calculated the volumes. Here are some pictures from this learning activity...
4/27 - PV Open House / Book Fair - 6:30 - 8:00
We lo
ok forward to seeing you at the Prairieview Open House on Thursday, 4/27 from 6:30 to 8:00. The students have been working hard to create a "Southwestern Fiesta" in the Fourth-grade wing. Be sure to ask your child to show you his/her Midwest Look Book, and all of the other work (including inventions) displayed in our room. Don't forget to stop at the book fair in the gym!

Mrs. Karen Bell
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