Highlights for the Weeks of 12/5/2016
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
elling - Unit 13 - Homographs
This week's list will consist of homographs. Homographs are two or more words that are spelled the same but have different meaning and sometimes different pronunciations. For example, the word pitcher is a homograph. A pitcher is a player who delivers the ball to a batter or a large container with a handle used for holding and pouring liquids. The final TEST for the homograph lesson will be on Friday, 12/9.
Below are photos of students presenting their slides with sentences containing pairs of homophones from Unit 12's spelling list...
Throne / throne |
Pear / Pair |
Knight / night |
Weight / wait |
Peek / peak |
Hole / whole |
No / know |
Allowed / aloud |
Not / knot |
Close / clothes |
Eight / ate |
ELA / Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
Students will continue to work on their "Gloria Estefan: A Star with a Heart" newspaper article which is due on 12/8. We will begin our study of Greek Mythology with a look at the myth of Hercules. We will study the characteristics of myths and how Hercules shows courage. Students will begin a project on the 12 labors of Hercules on Friday, 12/9.
In English, we will focus on how to correctly write the names of places and things.
Social Studies - The Southeast - "Wildlife and Resources"
The final lesson on the Southeast will focus on the resources and the wildlife of the region. The chapter 6 TEST is tentatively scheduled for 12/13. Students should review their textbook, workbook pages, note pages and review pages to prepare for the test.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
The second CHECKPOINT for Unit 3 is scheduled for Monday, 12/5. The rest of the week we will focus on Metric conversions, place value patterns and writing division story problems. Look for the Unit 3 TEST to be scheduled the week of 12/12.
We have welcomed a new member to our classroom family! Our new student Mee Tong is from China. Her English is limited, but it has been heartwarming to watch how welcoming and kind the children have been to her. We are lucky to have a lot of technology to help us. In these photos, students are reciting a welcome message that each wrote on a poster for Mee Tong into an APP that translates their words into Chinese symbols for her to read. At the end is a video of Mrs. K. translating her response to her new friends.
12/7 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:35
12/13 - PV trip to Drury Lane to see A Christmas Carol
12/15 - 4th Grade Bowling Trip
12/19 - Winter Break begins
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