ELA / Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage" - The Labors of Hercules
Students will be given time in class to work on their Hercules 12 Labors Slide presentation which is due on Wednesday, 12/14.
Social Studies - The Southeast
The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/13. A study guide was sent home with your child on 12/6.
Social Studies - The Southeast
The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/13. A study guide was sent home with your child on 12/6.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
The Unit 3 TEST will be given on Wednesday, 12/14. Students should review their spiral notes, workbook book pages, and checkpoints to prepare for the test.
I love watching students collaborate to problem solve. Below is a video of Shruthi and Ashley working together to convert Megabytes to Kilobytes and Bytes...
I love watching students collaborate to problem solve. Below is a video of Shruthi and Ashley working together to convert Megabytes to Kilobytes and Bytes...
12/13 - PV trip to Drury Lane to see A Christmas Carol
12/15 - 4th Grade Bowling Trip
12/19 - Winter Break begins
12/15 - 4th Grade Bowling Trip
12/19 - Winter Break begins
Mrs. Karen Bell
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