
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include words with the Greek roots "graph", "auto", "photo", "tele", and "rupt". We will study the meanings of these roots and how to use them correctly. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 9/30.
Below are some photos of students using Chromebooks to work on a Spelling activity in class...
English - What is a Sentence?
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/26. Students should prepare for the test by reviewing the textbook, practice pages, and workbook pages for the chapter. There is also a chapter review section in the textbook (p. 56-62) that covers all of the topics we have studied.
Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
Students will be independently complete a baseline common assessment in reading this week. The assessment is designed to give teachers data to guide instruction - it's not for a grade.
Close reading is the thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text's form, craft, meanings, etc. It is a skill that we will work on and develop throughout the year...we call it "digging into the text". Below is a photo of some junior archaeologist digging deeper into text to took for meaning.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
We will begin a descriptive writing project in which students will describe an imaginary trip to the Northeast region. As they describe their journey they will write about the geography, resources and fishing industry of the region. The rough draft of the Northeast Trip descriptive paragraph is due on Thursday, 9/29. The final copy will be typed in Google Classroom, and is due on 10/3.
We will conclude this unit with a look at interpreting remainders. On Thursday, 9/29, students will take the Unit 1 TEST. They should use their math spirals, Student Book and Home Connections pages as tools to review for the test.
Math students "teaching" about Multiplication Strategies |
The Brookfield Zoo field trip is scheduled for Friday, 9/30. Please send a 100% disposable lunch to school with your child. We will be outside come rain or shine, so please have him/her dress for the weather!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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