
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include homophones such as to, too and two & their, there and they're. We will study the meanings of these words and how to use them correctly. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 9/23.
TJ demonstrates the meaning of the word "crouch" from this week's spelling list. Playing "Antonym Concentration" makes learning fun... |
How to correct a run-on sentence will be the final topic that we will study in the sentence unit. The chapter 1 TEST is tentatively scheduled for 9/26. We are set to review for the test in class on 9/22.
Reading - Close Reading- "Theme"
We will conclude our study of the Casey at the Bat poem. On Tuesday, students will work in partners to complete a PARCC based assessment on the poem. This will be practice for future assessments. We will discuss and model strategies for how to use the text to respond to test questions.
The reading skill that we will focus on this week is how to find the theme of a story. Theme is the message that the author is sending. Sometimes the message is stated, but most times it is implied. We will work together and independently to determine the theme of several pieces of text. At the end of the week, students will independently complete a graded assessment that will measure their understanding of this concept.

Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
The chapter 4 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/20. Students should review the textbook, review pages, and workbook pages to prepare for the test.The rest of the week will be spent creating the Northeast portion of a United States Map. This is a year-long activity that is completed region by region. It is a favorite activity of mine...I hope the children enjoy it as much as I do! Our NE Feast will take place on Friday. Chef Bell & Chef Krasnodebski will be serving up a variety of tastes from the Northeast including maple syrup (on pancakes), cranberries & grapes.
Our focus this week will be to review our multiplication strategies, and then to move on to division with remainders and using area models to represent division.
Enjoy your Weekend
Mrs. Karen Bell
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