Highlights for the Week of 5/4/2015
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will focus on three syllable words. The final TEST on this lesson will be given on Friday, 5/1. The assignments for this lesson will be on Google Classroom.
Reading - Journeys Unit
We will begin a novel study of the book Love that Dog, by Sharon Creech. Love that Dog is a free verse piece written diary format. It is written from the perspective of a young boy who resists poetry assignments from his teacher. Throughout his journey, he learns to appreciate, and to even enjoy the art of poetry. As we read this book, we will continue to examine the literary elements of poetry, and students will create their own poetry book.
As a class we have worked VERY hard on our close reading skills this year. Students have shown tremendous perseverance as they tackled difficult task to find meaning. I am BEYOND proud of how well they have done, and how we have progressed in the past year.
I am so pleased to share the following video with our Team Bell families. These students are discussing a poem to determine theme, mood, poetic elements and figurative language. During this portion of their discussion, they are talking about author's perspective and point of view, which is a topic that I did not prompt them to think about, but one that we have studied this year. All of the small group discussions had similar discussions to this one.

Social Studies - The Southwest
The chapter 10 TEST will be on Tuesday, 5/5. Students should refer to the study guide, textbook pages 300-313 and the workbook / review pages in their binder to help them study. We will begin our study of the Navajo the week of 5/11.
Students will work in pairs to research a body system, and to create a slide presentation about their system that will be presented to the class. They will be given time in school to work on the project, but they should expect that some of the work will also be done at home.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 13 - Extending Fraction Topics
The concepts that we will study in math this week include fractions & decimals on the number line, equivalent fractions & decimals, decimal place value, comparing decimals and using money to understand decimals. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 1-6 of Topic 13 on Wednesday, 5/6.
The concepts that we will study in math this week include fractions & decimals on the number line, equivalent fractions & decimals, decimal place value, comparing decimals and using money to understand decimals. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 1-6 of Topic 13 on Wednesday, 5/6.
Don't forget...
May 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
May 25 - No School - Memorial Day
PARCC testing is scheduled for the week of 5/4. We will take the reading test on Monday, and the math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. We have talked as a class about the importance of remembering our class motto, "Do your best!" on these tests. The children are well prepared for this, and I hope that they do not feel any unnecessary anxiety regarding taking the test. Please see that your child comes to school well rested and having eaten a healthy breakfast.
Preparations for Open House kept us busy during the week of 4/27. We had many opportunities for independent/small group work to occur as others worked on the Southwest projects. Please enjoy these pictures of your children making good choices during our "workshop" time.
May 15 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
May 25 - No School - Memorial Day
PARCC testing is scheduled for the week of 5/4. We will take the reading test on Monday, and the math tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. We have talked as a class about the importance of remembering our class motto, "Do your best!" on these tests. The children are well prepared for this, and I hope that they do not feel any unnecessary anxiety regarding taking the test. Please see that your child comes to school well rested and having eaten a healthy breakfast.
Preparations for Open House kept us busy during the week of 4/27. We had many opportunities for independent/small group work to occur as others worked on the Southwest projects. Please enjoy these pictures of your children making good choices during our "workshop" time.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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