Highlights for the Week of 5/11/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
This week's spelling list will focus on words that end with the /ər/, /l/ or /əl/ sounds. The final test on this lesson will be given on Friday, 5/15. Spelling activities will be assigned through Google Classroom.
Reading - Journeys Unit - Love that Dog

English- Poetry / Pronouns

To coincide with our novel study, students will begin creating their own original book of poetry. They will be writing poems in several formats, and will be including a variety of figurative language that we have studied throughout the year. This project will be completed using the Chromebooks via Google Classroom. Students will also take the Pronouns pretest on Thursday, 5/14.
Social Studies - The Navajo
We will study the Native Americans of the Southwest, the Navajo.Students will learn about the Navajo culture and traditions of the past and present.
Science - Human Body Presentations
Partners will finish creating their Human Body Slide presentations. Students will be presenting on 5/14. They will be given time on Monday and Wednesday for final preparations and practicing. The next topic that we will study in Science will be Simple Machines.
Partners will finish creating their Human Body Slide presentations. Students will be presenting on 5/14. They will be given time on Monday and Wednesday for final preparations and practicing. The next topic that we will study in Science will be Simple Machines.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 13 - Extending Fraction Concepts
We love collaborating with our Chrome books! Below are pictures of partners working together to create their Human Body Presentations...
Mrs. Karen Bell
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