Highlights for the Week of 6/1/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson will be a review list. Students must earn a 100% on the pretest to qualify for challenge work. The final TEST on this lesson will be given on Friday, 6/5. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - I Can Answer Text Dependent Questions
The TFK comprehension QUIZ is scheduled for Tuesday, 6/2. Students should read the Time for Kids magazine to prepare for the quiz, and must have the magazine at school on Tuesday when taking the quiz.English-Pronouns

Social Studies - The West / The Tlingit
The chapter 12 TEST will be on Monday, 6/1. We will spend the rest of the week studying the Tlingit - the Native American group from the West region. We will also prepare for our classroom luau, which is the Western region feast, scheduled for 6/4. Students will learn about the history of the luau, make their own grass skirts and feast on the traditional luau foods of barbecued pork, salmon, fruit salad and Hawaiian punch! We will have fun hula dancing and watching the Disney film, Lilo & Stitch. Watch for a movie permission slip to come home on Monday.Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Geometry / Circles
Early in the week, we will review geometric terms such as line, point, line segment, ray and angles. We will also learn how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles. Circles will be the topic for Wednesday. Students will learn how to find circumference and area of a circle using Pi. The last day of math will be 6/4. On that day we will have a Pi day celebration - reviewing what we have learned about circles as we enjoy some apple pie.
Don't forget...
June 4 - Classroom Luau
June 5 - Bowling Field Trip - 12:10-2:15
June 9 -- Last Day of School - Students dismissed at 11:00
Mrs. Karen Bell