Highlights for the Week of 1/26/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom
ing - Words with the "VCCV" Pattern
Words this week will have the "VCCV" (Vowel/Consonant/Consonant/Vowel) pattern. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/30. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

Words this week will have the "VCCV" (Vowel/Consonant/Consonant/Vowel) pattern. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/30. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - Unit 1 - Courage
Students will complete and present their "Profile in Courage" slide show. They should be able to speak about their chosen hero in depth, and present the information without reading from the screen. They may use note cards to help them with the presentation. At the end of the week, they will independently close read a passage comparing and contrasting groundhogs and woodchucks, and answer comprehension questions related to the text.
Below are pictures of students collaborating during a partner close read of Lou Gehrig's "Luckiest Man" speech...
English- Adjectives
We will begin the Adjectives unit with a look at the definition of an adjective: Adjectives tell what kind and how many. Then, students will apply what they have learned about adjectives by writing a descriptive paragraph about an imaginary monster. They will be required to use adjectives to describe the monster. This assignment will be on Google Classroom in the Homeroom English section. The online assignment includes a project description and a document for typing their paragraph. Students will also be illustrating their paragraph. The project will be assigned on Wednesday, and is due on Monday, 2/2.
Using a whisper reader and a Chromebook to perfect the Hero Essay. |
Social Studies - The Midwest - "A Route to the Sea"
The Midwest map QUIZ is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/27. We will also read and discuss a Time for Kids magazine article about the Great Lakes and the threats they are facing.
Science - "Adaptations"
The Chapter 3 / Lessons 2 & 3 QUIZ is scheduled for Monday, 1/26. The quiz will be open note and textbook. We will spend the rest of the week reviewing and preparing for the chapter 3 TEST on Friday, 1/30. Look for a study guide for the test to come home on Monday. Tests in Science are not open book/notes.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 8
We will finish out Topic 8 with a look at multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit, 2-digit by 3-digit and 3-digit by 3-digit numbers. We will also review how to solve two-question problems. The Topic 8 TEST is scheduled for Friday, 1/30. Below are pictures of students completing a test review for the Topic 7 test. Using technology for this activity allows them to have immediate feedback about their performance, and highlights areas that need improvement.
Please take a few moments to complete the I-5 PARENT survey at the following link: https://survey.5-essentials. org/Illinois/survey/parent/ login/)
Mrs. Karen Bell
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