Highlights for the Week of 1/19/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Due to the short week, we will have no spelling lesson this week. We will be conducting the classroom spelling bees to determine which student will participate in the 4th grade spelling bee on 1/28. The classroom bees will be on 1/20 and 1/22. The first and second place winners from the bee on 1/22 will represent our class in the 4th grade bee.
Reading - "Courage" Unit Culminating Project
We are nearing the end of our Courage Unit. The final activity in this unit is a project in which students choose a person who has shown courage from a provided list. They will conduct research and create a slide show that will ultimately become a flip book. Projects will be presented to classmates the week of 1/26. I will be giving time in class to work on the project, but work must also be conducted at home.
English- Explanatory Writing / Adjectives
The rough draft of the hero essay is due on Tuesday, 1/20. Students will have two class periods to revise and edit their rough draft. They may also work on it at home. The final copy is due at the end of English on 1/22. The pretest for our next unit, Adjectives, will be given at the end of the week.
Social Studies - The Cherokee / The Midwest
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 8 - Developing Fluency: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
The Topic 7 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/20. The first few lessons in Topic 8 focus on using arrays for multiplication when using the standard and expanded algorithms.
Don't Forget...
The rough draft of the hero essay is due on Tuesday, 1/20. Students will have two class periods to revise and edit their rough draft. They may also work on it at home. The final copy is due at the end of English on 1/22. The pretest for our next unit, Adjectives, will be given at the end of the week.
Social Studies - The Cherokee / The Midwest
The quiz on Chapter 1 / Lesson 1 (The Cherokee) is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/20. Students may use
their NOTES only for this quiz. The next region that we will visit this year is the good old Midwest. We will begin by creating a map of the region and studying how the Great Lakes were formed. Look for the Midwest map QUIZ to be scheduled the week of 1/26.
Science - "How Do Behaviors of Animals Help Them Meet Their Needs?"
We will delve a little deeper into the behavioral adaptations of hibernation and migration. Be sure to ask your child if bears actually sleep when they hibernate!Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 8 - Developing Fluency: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
The Topic 7 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/20. The first few lessons in Topic 8 focus on using arrays for multiplication when using the standard and expanded algorithms.
Don't Forget...
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