Highlights for the Week of 4/22/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will focus on three syllable words. The final TEST on this lesson will be given on Friday, 4/26. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - I Can Use Reading Strategies
Has your child told you about the book, Hana's Suitcase that we just finished during read aloud? It is a nonfiction book that tells the story of Hana Brady, a young girl who was a Holocaust victim. Reading the book together sparked many meaningful conversations in our classroom about tolerance and compassion. The children are so interested in this subject, that I have chosen to do a novel study of the book Number the Stars as our next unit in reading. Number the Stars is a historical fiction novel that focuses on a family in Denmark that is determined to help a Jewish family reach safety while under Nazi occupation. While reading this novel, we will revisit many of the reading strategies that we have studied this year, including predicting, summarizing, connecting, summarizing and questioning. We will work towards conducting student led book club meetings in which they will discuss the novel and share their ideas.

Who is your personal hero and why? This is the prompt that students will write about independently this week. They will choose their hero, organize their ideas, and write the rough and final drafts of the essay. The final copy will be due on Friday, 4/26.
Social Studies - The West
Aloha! We have reached the final destination in our study of regions in the United States. This week we will continue to focus on the geography and climate of the western states.
The TEST on Chapter 17 / Simple Machines is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/24. Students were given a study guide which outlines what they should focus on to prepare for the test.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Perimeter, Area & Volume
Finding area of plane figures using a formula is the topic for Monday. On Tuesday, students will take a QUIZ on lessons 2-4 of chapter 23. Topics on the quiz will include calculating perimeter, and finding the area of plane figures. The final two lessons of this chapter will be relating perimeter and area, and finding volume of prisms. The TEST on chapter 23 is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 4/26.
Don't forget...
The Prairieview Open House / Book Fair has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 4/23 from 6:30 to 8:00. Hope to see you there!
Don't forget...
The Prairieview Open House / Book Fair has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 4/23 from 6:30 to 8:00. Hope to see you there!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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