Highlights for the Week of 4/15/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will be a review of the words we have learned in Theme 5. The 30 word list will include homophones, VCV (vowel-consonant-vowel) words, changing the final "y" to "i", words with prefixes & suffixes, "-ed" and "-ing" words, compound words, and VCCV words. Students will be required to score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test (20 words) on this lesson will be given on Friday, 4/19. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - I Can Understand & Write a Pourquoi Tale
Students will proofread, edit and type their original pourquoi tales this week. We will also be reading a Time for Kids that highlights the best inventions of 2012. This edition of the magazine will tie into our Invention Convention in science. The comprehension QUIZ on the TFK is scheduled for Friday, 4/19.
English- Explanatory Writing

Social Studies - The West
After creating the Southwest portion of our U.S. maps, our journey
across the U.S. will bring us to our final region, The West. Students will create their regional maps, and read about the geography of this beautiful area. Look for the map quiz on The West to be scheduled for the week of 4/22.

Science - "How do Other Simple Machines Help People Work? / Inventions
We will begin the week by investigating how inclined planes help to reduce force when doing work. The open note/book QUIZ on lesson 3 of chapter 17 is scheduled for Friday, 4/19. Students should continue working on their inventions, which are due on 4/16. They will also be presenting their inventions in class while giving their "note card speeches" on 4/17. The requirements for the speech were sent home on 4/11.
The final topic in our study of measurement will be metric capacity (liters & milliliters). We will review the chapter on Tuesday, the the chapter 22 TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/17. The next chapter we will study focuses on Perimeter, Area & Volume.
Don't Forget...
April 12, 2013 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School
May 17, 2013 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00

Mrs. Karen Bell
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