Highlights for the Week of 1/6/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday,1/10. Workbook pages & the cursive page OR challenge work will also be collected that day.

This week, we will be working on the reading skill of identifying the problem and the solution. Most stories involve a problem for the character to solve, and the solution to the problem may come after others have been tried. We will be using the story, Marven of the Great North Woods to practice this school. After several close readings of this story, students will practice answering text dependent questions. They will focus on developing the meaning of vocabulary words as they reread the story.We will also be reading a Time for Kids magazine that reviews 2013 in pictures. Students will take a comprehension QUIZ on the magazine in school on Wednesday, 1/8.
English - Nouns
We will finish our study of nouns with a peek at singular and plural possessive nouns. Singular possessive nouns show that something belongs to ONE person, place or thing (the boy's books). Plural possessive nouns show that something belongs to MORE THAN ONE person, place or thing (the students' books). We will review the chapter on Wednesday. The nouns TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 1/9.
Our journey through the U.S. has brought us to the Midwest. We will finish our study of the Great Lakes, and continue on to lesson 2 of chapter 8. This lesson covers the terrain & climate of the South Dakota Badlands.
Science - The Human Body / How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
The circulatory systems will be the topic in science this week. We will study the different components of blood, how the blood travels through the body, and the heart.
rs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Divide by a 1-Digit Number
Our new unit will focus on division. The pretest will be given on Monday, 1/6. This week's lessons will cover division with multiples of 10, 100 & 1,000, and how to estimate quotients.

Our new unit will focus on division. The pretest will be given on Monday, 1/6. This week's lessons will cover division with multiples of 10, 100 & 1,000, and how to estimate quotients.
Don't Forget...
Students will be taking the MAPS test during the week of 1/6. Our class will take the reading test on Wednesday, & the math test on Thursday. Please encourage your child to do his/her best on the test, and be sure that he/she comes to school well rested. Thank you!
Wishing you & your family a happy, safe & relaxing
holiday break!
holiday break!
Mrs. Karen Bell