Highlights for the Week of 12/9/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the second theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 8-12. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 12/13, and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework will also be collected on Friday.
Reading - I Can Review Strategies
We will be very busy in reading this week! The Because of Winn-Dixie timeline project will be collected on Monday, 12/9. We will also have our Winn-Dixie Friendship Celebration that day. Students will enjoy the same menu that the characters in the book shared: egg salad sandwiches, dill pickles, "Dump" punch & Littmus lozenges. Your child should plan on bringing a lunch that day in case the menu does not appeal to him/her. Students will take a QUIZ on making generalizations on Tuesday, 12/10.
English - Nouns

Social Studies - The Cherokee & The Midwest
Students will take an open note/book QUIZ on the Cherokee (chapter 7) on Wednesday, 12/11. On Thursday, we will begin the Midwest unit with a look at the map of the region. Look for the Midwest map quiz to be scheduled the week of 12/16.
Science - The Human Body / How Does Your Body Get Oxygen & Nutrients?
The first body system that we will study is the digestive system. We will take a look at all of the organs that comprise the system, and learn their function. Students will take a QUIZ on the the organs of the digestive system on Friday, 12/13.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will finish Unit 5 with a look at multiplying by two-digit numbers, multi-step word problems, and making a table to solve a problem. Students will also take the third "Mad Minute" for division on 12/9. Check the Google Doc that I shared with your child to monitor his/her progress with the division timed tests. The Unit 5 TEST is scheduled for the week of 12/16.
Don't forget...
Tivoli Field Trip forms are due on 12/11.
"Goo, Globs & Guts" - On Friday, 12/13 fourth grade will participate in a special program presented by High Tech, High Touch. Students will learn about the body systems, and will participate in some hands on activities in the classroom.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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