Highlights for the Weeks of 11/18/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's list includes the spelling patterns of îr / är / âr , which are words that sound like "ear" &"glare". Cursive and workbook pages, as well as challenge work for the lesson will be collected on Friday, 11/22. The final test for that lesson will also be that day.

We will continue to read the novel, Because of Winn-Dixie as we practice the skills of summarizing and making generalizations. In writing summaries, the students will learn to pick out the main points or events of a story or passage and concisely put them in their own words. In making generalizations the students will learn that generalizations are broad statements that are true most of the time, and are based on fact or good reasons, and may include words like always or most.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
The chapter 5 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 11/19. Students should review their practice pages, workbook pages & textbook to prepare for the test. There is a very helpful chapter review on pages 189-190 in the textbook. Also, pages 194-202 contain extra practice for each lesson. The next unit that we will study in English will be nouns.
Social Studies - The Southeast
We will finish our study of the climate of the Southeast, and move on to a look at the wildlife in the region, which is the last lesson in the chapter. Be sure to ask your child about the alligator, and the efforts that were made to have it taken off the endangered species list. The chapter 6 test is scheduled for the week of 11/25. Look for the study guide to be sent home on 11/18.
Science - How do the Behaviors of Animals Help Them Meet Their Needs? / How Do Living Things of the Past Compare to Those of Today?
We will be wrapping up our study of animal adaptations this week with a look at fossils. Students will take an open note/textbook QUIZ on lessons 2 & 3 of chapter 3 on Thursday, 11/21. Look for the chapter 3 test to be scheduled for the week of 11/25.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
Next week will be very busy in our math class. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 5-9 of Unit 4 on Monday, 11/18. We will finish Unit 4 with a look at determining whether a problem needs an exact or estimated answer, and how to multiply across numbers with zeros. The Unit 4 TEST is scheduled for Friday, 11/22.
Next week will be very busy in our math class. Students will take a QUIZ on lessons 5-9 of Unit 4 on Monday, 11/18. We will finish Unit 4 with a look at determining whether a problem needs an exact or estimated answer, and how to multiply across numbers with zeros. The Unit 4 TEST is scheduled for Friday, 11/22.
November 20 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
November 25 - John Lynn Presentation - "The Appalachian Trail"
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
School-Community Service Project
Animal Assisted
Therapy Program-Edward Hospital
Prairieview School, in Downers Grove, (3rd,
4th and 5th Graders) is proud to have an opportunity to
sponsor an Edward Hospital therapy dog. The students are looking forward to
sponsoring, Kodi.
Prairieview School will take donations
until November 19th!
If you want to learn more about this Animal Assisted
Therapy Program go the the following link: httpwww.edward.org/animalassistedtherapy

Mrs. Karen Bell
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