Highlights for the Week of 11/5/12
in Mrs. Bell's Class!

The final test for this week's lesson will be on Friday, 11/9. Cursive and workbook pages or challenge work will also be collected that day.

This week, we will focus on the reading comprehension skill known as sequence of events. Recognizing the order of events in a story makes it easier to understand. Clue words such as first, later, then, and finally signal sequence. We will be working on this skill as we begin our study of one of my favorite novels, Because of Winn-Dixie.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
We will finish chapter 5 with a look at how to write titles, and a review of the chapter. The chapter 5 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 11/13. Students should review their practice pages, workbook pages & textbook to prepare for the test. There is a very helpful chapter review on pages 189-190 in the textbook. Also, pages 194-202 contain extra practice for each lesson.
Social Studies - People of the Northeast
We will be studying the Native Americans of the Northeast Region, the Narragansetts. Students will learn about the culture and traditions of the Narragansetts. They will also learn about the Iroqouis Americans & will compare & contrast their culture with the Narragansetts.
Science - Life Cycles of Plants and Animals
The TEST on chapter 2, lessons 2 & 3 is scheduled for Thursday, 11/8. Ask your child to see the study guide that was given out to help prepare for the test. Tests in science are not open book or open note.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We are nearing the end of multiplication facts. Students will be tested on threes and review on Tuesday, 11/7. The facts for the numbers 4-8 will finish up the week. We will also work on some problem solving.
November 5 and 6 - No School
November 12 -- Veteran's Day -- No School
November 21-23 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No School
This week students will be "filling their buckets" by giving to others. Andrea's cousin has been deployed to Afghanistan for the fourth time. We will be making holiday cards to send to him and his company of Marines.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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