Highlights for the Week of 11/12/12
in Mrs. Bell's Class!

The final test for this week's lesson will be on Friday, 11/16. Cursive and workbook pages or challenge work will also be collected that day.

We will be reading chapters 5-10 in our novel this week. The skills that we will practice while reading include clarifying and visualizing. We will also be studying several new vocabulary words. Students will be taking a comprehension/vocabulary QUIZ on chapters 1-10 of Because of Winn-Dixie on Friday, 11/16.
English - Nouns
The chapter 5 English TEST is scheduled for Wednesday, 11/14. The next unit that we will study is nouns.
Social Studies - People of the Northeast
We will continue our study of the Native Americans of the Northeast. Students will learn about the culture and traditions of the Narragansetts. They will also learn about the Iroqouis Americans, and will compare and contrast their culture with the Narragansetts. On Tuesday, students will receive guidelines for a project in which they will illustrate a Narragansett Village. The project will be collected on 11/19. There will be a QUIZ on Thursday, 11/15, that will cover lesson 1 of chapter 5.
Science - How do the Bodies of Animals Help Them Meet their Needs?
Our week in science will begin with an investigation that will demonstrate how birds' beaks are adapted to their diets. We will also study how adaptations help species to survive.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will finish multiplication facts through 12, and take a look at how to find missing factors in equations. The chapter 4 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 11/20.
Don't forget...
November 12 - Veterans' Day - No School
November 21, 22, 23 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
Mrs. Karen Bell
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