Mrs. Bell’s Reading Class
This week we will be reviewing words from chapters 10-16. The chapter 17 pretest will be given on Tuesday 1/20 and the final test given on Friday 1/23. There are no new "words to know" or vocabulary words this week!
ng - Strategy = Clarify

We will be starting the reading strategy of clarifying this week. Students will work to categorize nonfiction text by using a category chart in order to make the information more clear. At the end of the week, we will begin our study of the novel, Night of the Twisters. This book is based on a true event in which 7 tornadoes passed through the town of Grand Island, Nebraska. We will be meeting in small groups as we read and discuss this exciting story.
(from www.google.com)

“Bite into a Good Book” – Independent Reading Program
The deadline for reaching your reading goal for second trimester is 2/27.

“Bite into a Good Book” – Independent Reading Program
The deadline for reaching your reading goal for second trimester is 2/27.
Language Arts – Expository Writing
We will continue our study of expository writing. Students will learn the differences between expository, persuasive, narrative & descriptive text. We will finish the week by learning the formula for expository writing and by practicing writing expository paragraphs.
. Bell’s Math Class
The chapter 7 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/20. On Wednesday, we will celebrate our knowledge of circles by holding “Pi” day. We will then move into divisibility and factorization on Thursday and Friday. Get ready for fractions!
We will continue our study of expository writing. Students will learn the differences between expository, persuasive, narrative & descriptive text. We will finish the week by learning the formula for expository writing and by practicing writing expository paragraphs.

The chapter 7 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/20. On Wednesday, we will celebrate our knowledge of circles by holding “Pi” day. We will then move into divisibility and factorization on Thursday and Friday. Get ready for fractions!
Mrs. Bell’s Homeroom Class
Social Studies
The Chapter 7 TEST will be on Wednesday, 1/21. We will review by playing Jeopardy in class on Tuesday.
Science – Earth’s Oceans
The Chapter 7 TEST will be on Wednesday, 1/21. We will review by playing Jeopardy in class on Tuesday.
Science – Earth’s Oceans
We will be completing our study of Chapter 12, Earth's Oceans, this week. Students will have the lesson 3 OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT on Wednesday, 1/21. The chapter test will take place the week of 1/26.

The final classroom spelling bee will be on Friday 1/23. The top two spellers from our class will represent us in a grade level bee the week of 2/2.
Many parents have inquired about the school refunding the fee for the cancelled outing to the Tivoli movie. At this time, plans are being made for an outing in the spring to the Tivoli for which the original fee will be used.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell & Miss Allison Cronin
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