Our classroom family has a new member, Miss Allison Cronin. Allison is a student teacher from DePaul who will be with us for 12 weeks. She has observed and visited our room many times this fall, so she has already gotten to know the students, and they know her as well! We're thrilled to have her here!
Mrs. Bell’s Reading Class
lling – Lesson 16 – Silent “H”
The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 11/16. “Words to Know” are millimeter-myself, and the vocabulary word for the week is exuberant.

The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 11/16. “Words to Know” are millimeter-myself, and the vocabulary word for the week is exuberant.
Due to Iowa testing this week, we will be taking a break from our usual routine. We will be playing reading comprehension board games in small groups when we have “down time” from testing. We will be focusing on the reading comprehension strategy of “Clarifying” beginning the week of 1/19.
Due to Iowa testing this week, we will be taking a break from our usual routine. We will be playing reading comprehension board games in small groups when we have “down time” from testing. We will be focusing on the reading comprehension strategy of “Clarifying” beginning the week of 1/19.
ite into a Good Book” – Independent Reading Program
Many reading students have been coming to class without a silent reading book. Just a reminder that every student should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes per day, and should have a silent reading book with them at all times in school.

Many reading students have been coming to class without a silent reading book. Just a reminder that every student should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes per day, and should have a silent reading book with them at all times in school.
Language Arts – Expository Writing
We will be finishing our study of how to write a paragraph. Each student will be writing a paragraph to explain how he/she will make 2009 a “Soup-er” year in fifth grade.
We will be finishing our study of how to write a paragraph. Each student will be writing a paragraph to explain how he/she will make 2009 a “Soup-er” year in fifth grade.
The study of circles will begin this week. Students will be introduced to Π, and will learn how to use formulas to calculate circumference and the area of a circle. On Wednesday and Thursday, all fifth grade students will take the Iowa tests for math in their math classrooms. The chapter 7 TEST is scheduled for the week of 1/19.
Mrs. Bell’s Homeroom Class
Social St
We will complete our study of chapter 7 by focusing on the French & Indian War. We will be testing on this chapter the week of 1/19.

We will complete our study of chapter 7 by focusing on the French & Indian War. We will be testing on this chapter the week of 1/19.
Science – Earth’s Oceans
Students will explore the effect of waves on a beach by performing an investigation this week. We will also focus on the structure of the ocean’s shoreline.
Students will explore the effect of waves on a beach by performing an investigation this week. We will also focus on the structure of the ocean’s shoreline.
This week, all fifth grade students are beginning the "Too Good for Drugs" program, which is a drug, alcohol & tobacco awareness program sponsored by the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office. For the next 10 weeks, our class will participate in weekly sessions that are designed to give them the skills to deal with pressures experienced during adolescence.
This week, all fifth grade students are beginning the "Too Good for Drugs" program, which is a drug, alcohol & tobacco awareness program sponsored by the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office. For the next 10 weeks, our class will participate in weekly sessions that are designed to give them the skills to deal with pressures experienced during adolescence.
On February 4th, fifth grade will be taking a field trip to Naper Settlement. This learning experience will enhance our social studies curriculum and meets Illinois Learning standards. Students will participate in hands on activities that will help them to relate to life during the 1800's. Permission slips were sent home on Friday, 1/9 and must be returned with the fee on or before 1/23/09.
Enjoy your weekend…stay warm!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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