The final test will consist of 15 words from this week's lesson and 5 from last week's lesson. Checklist work is due on Friday, 5//9.

We are getting to the exciting section of the novel, Night of the Twisters, as the storms approach the town. Students will be discussing chapters 4 this week in book clubs, and preparing to discuss chapters 5-8 during the week of 5/12. Students will be evaluated on their participation during book club meetings, and on the quality of their book club sheets.
(from www.google.com)

We are MORE than half way through the trimester. Is your child close to his/her goal? Students must ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!

Using I and Me, and possessive pronouns will be the topics in our study of pronouns this week. Ask you child to sing you our favorite new song, “Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla”.

We will continue on with lesson 2 of Chapter 12, "A New Revolution". Students will be taking notes on this lesson by creating a book based upon a favorite picture book titled, Fortunately, Unfortunately.

Students will study heating and cooling, and take a look at tools that measure wind this week.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
My math class will be taking a break from the textbook to begin working on a games project. Students will be working in small groups to create a game that practices a math concept that we have studied in fifth grade. Ask your child to see the project requirement sheet!
On Thursday, fifth grade will enjoy the privilege of listening to a presentation by Mr. John Lynn about the travels of Lewis & Clark. Mr. Lynn has actually experienced the trails traveled by these two explorers and will share his observations with our students. This speech coincides with the unit that we have just completed in social studies.
The summer school brochure is available on the district website: http://www.ccsd66.org/.
Mrs. Karen Bell
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