HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK OF 1/21/08 – 1/25/08
Lesson 15 – Words that end with “ery”. Words to Know are really => see. Menu work is due on Friday, 1/18.

We will be starting the next selection in our reading series, Katie's Trunk. This story tells the tale of what life was like for a Tory (Loyalist) during the Revolutionary War, and focuses on the reading skill of cause & effect.

We will be starting the next selection in our reading series, Katie's Trunk. This story tells the tale of what life was like for a Tory (Loyalist) during the Revolutionary War, and focuses on the reading skill of cause & effect.
"Bite Into A Good Book" Reading Program
Persuasive writing continues to be our focus. We will be reviewing how to write introductions and conclusions at the beginning of the week. Students will be reading an article about uniforms in school, choosing a side on the topic, and beginning the rough draft of their essays.
Persuasive writing continues to be our focus. We will be reviewing how to write introductions and conclusions at the beginning of the week. Students will be reading an article about uniforms in school, choosing a side on the topic, and beginning the rough draft of their essays.
This week we will continue with Lesson 2 of Chapter 8, “The Revolution Begins”. We will discuss the Intolerable Acts and the First Continental Congress, and write paragraphs for the next installment of the Patriot/Loyalist book. We will also have our own Boston Tea Party.

SCIENCE - "You & Your Body"
The bones QUIZ will be on Thursday, 1/24. Students should review their vocabulary words, and page 12 of the science book to prepare for the quiz.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class

Every student has received a letter and list of words for the district spelling bee. We will be having our first classroom spelling bee on Friday 1/25. The second bee is scheduled for 1/29, when our two classroom representatives will be chosen. The fifth grade bee will be the morning of February 1st.
Enjoy your Holiday Weekend...
Stay Warm!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell
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