HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK OF 1/14/08 – 1/18/08
Lesson 14 - "More Prefixes & Roots". Words to Know are: really - see. Menu work is due on Friday, 1/18.

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? is the story from our reading text that we are focusing on this week. We will be discussing author's viewpoint and fact and opinion as these topics appear in this story. There will be a comprehension QUIZ on this story on Friday, 1/18.
We will be also be continuing with our study of persuasive writing. Students will review the elements of a persuasive essay, and practice writing strong paragraphs in a group setting.

As we continue to focus on the events that led to the American Revolution, the topics this week will be the Boston Massacre and The Boston Tea Party. Students will be taking notes on these two topics, and writing entries for the patriot/loyalist project.

SCIENCE - You and Your Body
Does your child know where his/her patella is? How about his/her metatarsals and tarsals? The skeletal system will be our topic this week, as we take a look at joints and students conduct a scavenger hunt to discover the wonders of their bones!

Circles will be our topic this week. Students will study the relationship between circumference, diameter, and finally...Pi! Our TEST is scheduled for Friday, 1/18, followed by the "much anticipated" Pi day on Tuesday, 1/22!
Starting in January, 2008 students who do not have a lunch ticket or money will be able to borrow from the office providing there is not an outstanding balance for lunch tickets. If your child forgets his/her hot lunch ticket or has used them all, he/she may bring $2.25 to school and purchase a ticket that day from the office staff. Students must have exact change to purchase a ticket; no change will be given. If a child has no lunch, no money and the parent cannot be contacted, he/she may borrow from school office, but only twice per trimester. Students will no longer be able to borrow lunch tickets from the lunchroom staff. Students will not be able to borrow money for milk.
On Tuesday, January 15th, we will have the Geospace field trip in our classroom. We are scheduled for 12:15 - 2:15.

Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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