Lesson 16 – Silent “h” words. Words to Know are: them ==> they're. Menu work is due on Friday, 2/1.
Lesson 16 – Silent “h” words. Words to Know are: them ==> they're. Menu work is due on Friday, 2/1.

The story of Katie's Trunk continues to be our focus this week. Students will analyze cause and effect in this story, and practice writing extended responses in preparation for the comprehension QUIZ which is tentatively scheduled for Monday, 2/4.
(from www.google.com)
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
The deadline for the reading program is February 22nd. Students will be allowed to adjust their reading goal, with teacher approval, until 2/1.
The deadline for the reading program is February 22nd. Students will be allowed to adjust their reading goal, with teacher approval, until 2/1.
After conferencing with me, students will begin writing and editing the rough drafts of their persuasive essays on the topic of, "Should students in public schools wear uniforms?"
After conferencing with me, students will begin writing and editing the rough drafts of their persuasive essays on the topic of, "Should students in public schools wear uniforms?"
Lesson 3 of Chapter 8, "The Revolution Begins" is on our agenda for this week. Students will read about the ride of Paul Revere and the famous "Shot Heard 'Round the World". We will also be continuing our work on the Patriot/Loyalist project.
Lesson 3 of Chapter 8, "The Revolution Begins" is on our agenda for this week. Students will read about the ride of Paul Revere and the famous "Shot Heard 'Round the World". We will also be continuing our work on the Patriot/Loyalist project.
SCIENCE - “You and Your Body”
Muscles will be the topic this week.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
We will have our first midchapter QUIZ for Chapter 4 on Tuesday, 1/29. The quiz will cover lessons 1-3. Lesson 4 (Decimals & Fractions) & lesson 5 (Equivalent fractions & Simplest form) will be our focus for the rest of the week.

We will have our second classroom spelling bee on Tuesday, 1/29. The winner and first runner up from that competition will represent our classroom in the 5th grade spelling be on Friday, 2/1. Good luck to all my "super spellers"!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell