Dear Parents and friends,
This week has certainly flown by! We have worked hard this week on keeping our binders organized and being responsible for recording assignments without being prompted. The students are catching on!
Lesson 4 - Prefixes and Base words
We will be finishing our unit on sentences this week. The Unit 1 TEST is scheduled for Friday, September 28th. “How to Study” sheets were sent home on the 21st.
Ask your child about our friends, Howard Jeeter & Molly Vera Thompson! We will continue our study of the novel, The Kid in the Red Jacket, by reading and summarizing chapters 3 and 4. Vocabulary work will also be included.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
Students should ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school. Many students have signed up for their book presentations. We are enjoying hearing about the books that they have read.
The North American colonies of Jamestown and the French and Dutch settlements will be our topics this week. Students will be taking notes and creating their own creative study guides for Jamestown.
Flight and Rocketry
We will starting our Flight & Rocketry unit with a look at the properties of air.
This week has certainly flown by! We have worked hard this week on keeping our binders organized and being responsible for recording assignments without being prompted. The students are catching on!
Lesson 4 - Prefixes and Base words
We will be finishing our unit on sentences this week. The Unit 1 TEST is scheduled for Friday, September 28th. “How to Study” sheets were sent home on the 21st.
Ask your child about our friends, Howard Jeeter & Molly Vera Thompson! We will continue our study of the novel, The Kid in the Red Jacket, by reading and summarizing chapters 3 and 4. Vocabulary work will also be included.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
Students should ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school. Many students have signed up for their book presentations. We are enjoying hearing about the books that they have read.
The North American colonies of Jamestown and the French and Dutch settlements will be our topics this week. Students will be taking notes and creating their own creative study guides for Jamestown.
Flight and Rocketry
We will starting our Flight & Rocketry unit with a look at the properties of air.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
We will study lesson 2 of chapter 2, "Words and Math", on Monday. Tuesday is the midchapter QUIZ for chapter 2. Wednesday through Friday, we will cover lesson 3, "Equations & Solutions", lesson 4, "Solving Addition Equations", and lesson 5, "Solving Subtraction Equations".
Due to the online grading system, I will not be asking for a parent signature on papers that receive a trade of 69% or below. Grades are available to be viewed by parents online at any time. Also, unit tests will be not be sent home for Social Studies in all of the fifth grade classes.
Turn in days for the Magazine Drive are Tuesday, 9/25 and Thursday, 9/27.
Have a great weekend!
Due to the online grading system, I will not be asking for a parent signature on papers that receive a trade of 69% or below. Grades are available to be viewed by parents online at any time. Also, unit tests will be not be sent home for Social Studies in all of the fifth grade classes.
Turn in days for the Magazine Drive are Tuesday, 9/25 and Thursday, 9/27.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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