Dear Parents and friends,
It was a pleasure to see so many of you at Curriculum Night. I hope that you found our discussion to be helpful. If you were unable to attend, I am sending the packet and other sheets home with your child. There are two sheets I need parents to complete and return to me: the 5th Grade Policy sheet and the Student Information Sheet. Please send both of those to school as soon as possible.
Lesson 2 – Words with the suffix “-able”
We will be continuing our study of sentences with a focus on the four types of sentences and subjects and predicates. Students will be completing a project titled "Snapshot Sentences" that focuses on identifying and writing sentences in each of the 4 categories.
We will be finishing our study of main ideas and details and how to write a good paragraph. Students will be writing about what they will do to have a "Souper Year", and designing their own soup can to go with the paragraph. We will also focus on practicing what we have learned about main ideas and details in the ISAT practice book.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program

Students should ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!
They should be close to finishing their first book and activity.
We will be finishing Chapter 4, Lesson 3, “Life in New Spain”. The Chapter 4 test is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 9/19. Students will receive their “How to Study” sheets on Thursday. We will have a group review on Monday, 9/17, but students are encouraged to study independently as well!
We will be finishing Chapter 4, Lesson 3, “Life in New Spain”. The Chapter 4 test is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 9/19. Students will receive their “How to Study” sheets on Thursday. We will have a group review on Monday, 9/17, but students are encouraged to study independently as well!
We will be dissecting owl pellets this week. Ask your student about how a pellet is formed, and what he/she finds inside of it!
We will be dissecting owl pellets this week. Ask your student about how a pellet is formed, and what he/she finds inside of it!
My students will be taking the OLSAT test on Thursday, 9/13. Please be sure that your child gets a good night sleep the night before!
I am looking for another parent to help with making copies for our classroom. This would involve coming to school on Thursday morning every other week for about 1-2 hours. I already have one volunteer, but it would lighten the load if we could split the work between two people. If you're interested, please email me at kbell@ccsd66.org.
Please check that your child is bringing home his/her assignment notebook and binder everyday. As I mentioned at Curriculum night, one of our fifth grade goals is that your child be responsible and independent with homework.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell
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