Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week of 2.17.20

Highlights for the Week of 2/17/20
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 18 - "ch" & "tch" 
Words this week will contain the letters "ch" or "tch". Students will learn that if the final "ch" sound comes after a consonant or a two-letter vowel, the ending is -ch. If the final "ch" sound follows a one letter vowel, it's usually written -tch. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 2/21.

Reading - Unit 2 - Journeys
What does it mean to go on a journey? How can a person be changed by a journey they have experienced? These are the questions that I will pose to students as we begin the second unit in Reading titled "Journeys".  We will begin by reading and discussing the short story, Grandfather's Journey by Alan Say. 

It was a pleasure to view the Profile in Courage presentations. The students have grown tremendously in their research and speaking skills. Below are some photos from the presentations...
Thank you, King Gavin, for running the computer during the presentations!
Theodore Roosevelt

Jane Goodall

Nelson Mandela

Alexander Hamilton

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Harriet Tubman

Sally Ride

Sitting Bull

Thomas Jefferson

Winston Churchill

Anne Frank

Mother Theresa

Princess Diana

John Brown

Abraham Lincoln

Jane Addams

Michael Jordan

Lewis & Clark

Susan B. Anthony

Neil Armstrong

Amelia Earhart

Molly Pitcher

Clara Barton
English - Explanatory Writing
The final copy of the Hero essay is due on 2/18. The final draft must be typed in Google Classroom and submitted. 

During this week's "Writers' Workshop" students spent time proofreading and revising their Hero essays. Be sure to ask your child how he/she used a "whisper reader" (pictured below) as a helpful tool for this process.

Social Studies - Midwest Just Look Book
The research for the Just Look Book project is due on Monday, 2/24. Students will have time in school to begin the research, but the majority of the work will be completed at home. 

Science - "Energy Conversions"
Looking at how system failures impact an electrical grid will be our focus in Science.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Team Building Activities
This week we will focus on activities that reinforce teamwork. The Human Knot, Four Corners and Going on a Field trip are three games that build collaborative skills and are fun as well.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 4  & Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
Multiplying two fractions is this week's main focus. Students will also take a Checkpoint that focuses on multiplying a whole number by a fraction on 2/19.

2/14 & 2/17 - No School

Mrs. Karen Bell

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