This week's list includes homographs, which are sets of words that are spelled the same but have different meanings (Examples: bank or ring). The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 3/6.
Reading - Journeys - Grandfather's Journey
We will work together to gather evidence for a reading response that students will write for Grandfather's Journey.
Social Studies - The Midwest & The Southwest
The Just Look book presentations are scheduled for Monday, 3/2. Every student has a copy of the rubric for this project and should use it to assess their work. We will begin our study of the Southwest at the end of the week.
Science - Energy Conversions
Synthesizing ideas about system failure and studying the electrical grid are the topics for the week.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Solving Problems Part 1
The lesson concepts that will be taught include knowing that following steps can help you solve problems, saying the problem without blame is respectful and that solving problems helps you be successful at school. By the end of the week, students will be able to say the problem step of the "Problem-Solving Steps" and state a problem without blaming anyone.
Science - Energy Conversions
Synthesizing ideas about system failure and studying the electrical grid are the topics for the week.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Solving Problems Part 1
The lesson concepts that will be taught include knowing that following steps can help you solve problems, saying the problem without blame is respectful and that solving problems helps you be successful at school. By the end of the week, students will be able to say the problem step of the "Problem-Solving Steps" and state a problem without blaming anyone.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

We are wrapping up this unit with a look at division with fractions. The Unit 5 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 3/10.

We are wrapping up this unit with a look at division with fractions. The Unit 5 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 3/10.
2/28 - No School - Teachers' Institute
During the week of 3/2, students will take two Reading pre-assessments for Unit 2. The purpose of these tests is to provide data that will help to drive instruction. The results will not be entered into the grade book. Students are encouraged to do their best and NOT to stress!
The pajama/movie party was SO much fun! It's such a pleasure to celebrate behavior that is respectful, responsible and safe in our classroom.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell