elling - Mythology Words
This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/20.

This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/20.
Reading- Unit 1 Courage - Greek Mythology

We will begin our study of Greek Mythology with a look at the myth of Hercules. We will also focus on the skill of summarizing. A summary is a shortened version of a story that retells all the important parts of the story in sequence. We will work as a team to summarize the Hercules myth. After winter break, I will be introducing a mythology project that focuses on personalized learning.

Social Studies - "The Cherokee"
We will begin our study of the Native Americans of the Southeast, The Cherokee. We will take a look at how their culture and traditions began and how they continue to keep them alive in modern times.
Science - Energy Conversions
Our focus in Science this week will be on how to support a claim with evidence. We will look at how to gather evidence through a simulation activity and with a reference book. Then, we will work to write a design argument to help Ergstown solve its blackout problem.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Emotion Management
This week I will be introducing the topic of emotion management. We will discuss that when you have strong feelings, it's hard to think clearly and how unmanaged, strong emotions can lead to negative behavior and consequences. The objective is for students to be able to describe what triggers their own strong emotions and what happens in their brains and bodies when they experience strong emotions.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals

Writing division problems will keep us busy this week. The Unit 3 TEST is scheduled for 12/16. Students should review their practice pages and spiral notes to prepare for the test.
12/12 - All school field trip to the Tivoli to see The Polar Express
12/17 - Oak Trace Senior Living Center visit - permission slip coming home 12/6
12/18 - Bowling Field Trip
12/23 - Winter Break begins
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Emotion Management
This week I will be introducing the topic of emotion management. We will discuss that when you have strong feelings, it's hard to think clearly and how unmanaged, strong emotions can lead to negative behavior and consequences. The objective is for students to be able to describe what triggers their own strong emotions and what happens in their brains and bodies when they experience strong emotions.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals

Writing division problems will keep us busy this week. The Unit 3 TEST is scheduled for 12/16. Students should review their practice pages and spiral notes to prepare for the test.
12/12 - All school field trip to the Tivoli to see The Polar Express
12/17 - Oak Trace Senior Living Center visit - permission slip coming home 12/6
12/18 - Bowling Field Trip
12/23 - Winter Break begins
Mrs. Karen Bell
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