
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include words with the suffixes -ed and -ing. We will study how adding these suffixes to base words changes their spelling. We will also take a look at synonyms and antonyms for each of the words. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 10/11.
Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"

The Courage unit begins by exploring how one person can make a difference. In order to gain some background knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King, students will work in small groups to close read a biographical article about his life. They will also independently watch a video about him and answer text-dependent questions related to the video.
Science - Energy Conversions
Students will work with a Science simulation APP to create and modify electrical energy systems.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast

We will also begin a descriptive writing project in which students will describe an imaginary trip to the Northeast region. As they describe their journey they will write about the geography, resources and fishing industry of the region. The rough draft of the Northeast Trip descriptive paragraph will be due on Friday, 10/11.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
The topic for the week of 10/7 will be respecting similarities and differences. The concepts of this lesson will include the idea that people can have similar or different feelings about the same situation and that being able to notice and understand others' feelings is an important part of empathy. Our goal is that students will be able to identify clues that help them recognize other people's feelings and also be able to identify similarities and differences between how two people feel.
Last week's SEL topic was listening with attention. Below are some photos from a partner activity in which students practiced this important life skill.
We have begun Unit 2, which is one of my favorite units of the year! In Unit 2, students will learn how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. They will learn a number of strategies for finding common denominators in order to perform the operations.
The unit begins with a look at simplifying fractions. Once we have studied this concept, it is my expectation that all answers on homework, checkpoints and assessments will be given in the simplest form. At the end of the week, we will also look at using a "money model" to find common denominators for fractions.
10/1 - Picture retakes
10/14 - Columbus Day - no school
Mrs. Karen Bell
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